Use our independent test results to find the best cloud performance to price ratio from AWS, Azure and Google
Why Size.Cloud report?
Compare prices and performance.
Filter by or within provider or region.
Use our custom score for simplified decision-making.
We are independent from providers.
We write and adapt scripts so that you don't have to.
We cut the marketing bs for you.
We physically test each server
We test CPU and Memory
We use CoreMark Pro and The Bandwidth Benchmark
We synthesize the results under our own scoring
are looking for lower cloud prices
are looking for higher cloud performance
are about to make changes in your cloud setup
are working in Infrastructure As A Code model
We are a team of cloud experts with an average of 20+ years of experience.
And yet, we found no source of this kind so far.
It's free to use, but we encourage you to help us spread the word and share it with a friend of yours who could benefit from it.